Triple Bunk Beds Uses & History

The History and Use of Triple Bunk Beds

Most people will have some knowledge of bunk beds as they are used in the bedrooms of children but their existence is far more complex than this.  The need for bunk beds sprang from the need for space; triple bunk beds are an extension of this need.  The more that space is of a premium horizontally the more need there is to make the best use of vertical space.  So where are triple bunk beds most useful?

On Board Ship

If anyone has ever been aboard the floating museum HMS Belfast moored on the Thames in London they will have experienced first-hand how cramped the environment is.  The numerous decks are accessible by a series of narrow sets of stairs.  Even visitors to the exhibit can sense the need to make good use of the limited space available; that is nothing compared to those that had to live on the ship when it was in service.  Today there are ships all over the globe where personnel need to be able to sleep; triple bunk beds are often used to allow this to happen.

In Boarding Schools

Boarding schools have been in existence for centuries for use by people who want their children to experience a certain type or level of education or by armed services personnel who want their children to attend school in their country of origin.  There is only a certain amount of space available in these schools in which the children can reside.  Using triple bunk beds allows the owners of the schools to accommodate the children in a comfortable, safe, and space saving environment.

In the Home

Bunk beds are a common sight in the home; triple bunk beds permit an even better use of valuable space.  In today’s environment when affording to purchase a home is not easy, quite often there will not be enough bedrooms for every family member to have their own.  There is also a growing popularity for multi-generational homes with older family members living with children and grandchildren.  In children’s rooms triple bunk beds allow the use of space upwards; particularly useful if your home has high ceilings.  If an elderly relative has mental incapacity issues a bunk bed can allow another adult to sleep in the same room and keep them safe.

The Benefits of Triple Bunk Beds

In a situation where multiple people require a place to sleep in a restricted amount of space triple bunk beds are a creative way of making the most of the space that is available.  On a ship, or in a school dormitory, it is impossible to provide enough single beds for everyone to sleep in; there is not enough floor space available.  Often there is plenty of vertical space in a room that is completely unused triple bunk beds make use of this space allowing occupants to sleep safely and soundly.



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